Fluid balance: fluid balance charts will give an indication of the patient’s current fluid status which may be relevant if a patient appears fluid overloaded or dehydrated. Vital signs: charts on which vital signs are recorded will give an indication of the patient’s current clinical status and how their physiological parameters have changed over time. As a result, they often use multiple pillows to prop themselves up. Pillows: patients with congestive heart failure typically suffer from orthopnoea, preventing them from being able to lie flat.
Mobility aids: items such as wheelchairs and walking aids give an indication of the patient’s current mobility status. glyceryl trinitrate spray), catheters (note volume/colour of urine) and intravenous access. Medical equipment: note any oxygen delivery devices, ECG leads, medications (e.g. Look for objects or equipment on or around the patient that may provide useful insights into their medical history and current clinical status: There are many causes of oedema, but in the context of a cardiovascular examination OSCE station, congestive heart failure is the most likely culprit. Oedema: typically presents with swelling of the limbs (e.g. Malar flush: plum-red discolouration of the cheeks associated with mitral stenosis. It should be noted that a healthy individual may have a pale complexion that mimics pallor, however, pathological causes should be ruled out. haemorrhage, chronic disease) or poor perfusion (e.g. Pallor: a pale colour of the skin that can suggest underlying anaemia (e.g. congestive heart failure, pericarditis) or respiratory disease (e.g. Shortness of breath: may indicate underlying cardiovascular (e.g.
peripheral vasoconstriction secondary to hypovolaemia) or inadequate oxygenation of the blood (e.g. Cyanosis: a bluish discolouration of the skin due to poor circulation (e.g.Inspect the patient from the end of the bed whilst at rest, looking for clinical signs suggestive of underlying pathology: You might also be interested in our OSCE Flashcard Collection which contains over 2000 flashcards that cover clinical examination, procedures, communication skills and data interpretation.